One of the activities of MIAT in Sydney, is to hold dinners with guest speakers covering a diverse and challenging range of topics.
The list of guest speakers has been:
2001 |
January |
Donald McDonald AO |
May |
Hon. Philip Ruddock MP |
August |
Dick Smith AO |
November |
Jeff McMullen |
2002 |
February |
John Coutis |
May |
Robin Morrow |
Haruo Goto |
October |
Jack Mundey AO |
November |
Chris Johnson |
2003 |
May |
Graham Blewitt |
September |
Dr. Ian Paterson |
2004 |
February |
Ali Kazak |
June |
Rev.Tim Costello |
November |
Margot Kingston |
2005 |
February |
Russell Thirgood |
May |
Rev. Dr. John Bell |
September |
Senator Kerry Nettle |
2006 |
May |
Professor Barry Leal |
Professor Steven Leeder |
July |
Dr. Bernard Sabella |
September |
Dr. John de Gruchy |
November |
Professor John Hirst |
2007 |
April |
His Grace Rev Dr Peter Jensen |
July |
The Hon John Dowd QC AO |
November |
His Eminence Cardinal George Pell |
2008 |
April |
Professor Ian Harper |
August |
Phillip Adams |
Steve Killelea |
November |
Hon. Philip Ruddock |
2009 |
April |
Mark Scott |
May |
The Hon. Michael Kirby |
August |
Randa Abdel-Fattah |
2009 |
November |
PANEL DISCUSSION: “War and Christianity” |
2010 |
March |
Aneurin Hughes |
May |
Mark O’Connor |
July |
Constantine Dabbagh, Executive Secretary the Middle East Council of Churches in Gaza |
November |
Professor Louise Baur AM |
2011 |
March |
Nicholas Cowdery AM QC, NSW Director of |
May |
Robert Newton, former Australian Ambassador to Egypt, Syria, Tunisia, Libya and Sudan — “Understanding the Middle |
August |
Professor Jake Lynch, Centre for Peace and Conflict Studies, University of Sydney |
2012 | February | Allan Asher, Former NSW Ombudsman and Consumer Affairs Advocate |
May | Prof. Larissa Behrendt, Professor of Law and Director of Research at the Jumbunna Indigenous House, University of Technology, Sydney |
September | Professor Tim Flannery, Adventurer, Explorer, Scientist, Author, Global Warming Advocate |
November | Steve Biddulph, Author, activist and psychologist |
2013 | February | Bishop Geoffrey Robinson, Retired RC bishop, author, activist and reformer especially the issue of sexual abuse in the Catholic Church |
April | Tim Fischer AC, Former politician, businessman, advocate and author |
August | Jessie Taylor, Lawyer, Refugee and Human Rights Advocate “Asylum Seekers, Refugees and the Election” |
November | Prof Tim McCormack, Professor of Law at Melbourne Law School, Special Adviser to the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court |
2014 | February | Dr Meredith Burgmann, Political activist, lecturer, long-term Parliamentarian, ex-President of the Legislative Council. “The Importance of Community” |
May | Prof Gillian Triggs, President, Australian Human Rights Commission |
August | Bob Carr, Former Premier of NSW and Australian Foreign Minister |
November | Dr Cassandra Goldie, CEO Australian Council of Social Service |
2015 | March | ZIKA ABZUK from Israel, MANAL ZRAIQ from Palestine "The Role of Women in Business” |
July | Latika Bourke National Political Correspondent for Fairfax Media and Author | |
September | Matt Tinkler Director of Policy and Public Affairs, “Save the Children” Fund | |
November | The Hon Ian Coleman SC Retired Judge of the Appeals Division of the Family Court of Australia | |
2016 | March | Dr Jackie Huggins AM Co-Chair of the National Congress of Australia’s First Peoples, published author. “Reconciliation in Australia” |
May | Dr Stuart Edser Principal Psychologist at Newcastle Psychology and Health “Gay Sexuality, the Christian Faith and Marriage Equality in Australia” | |
August | Professor the Hon. Dame Marie Bashir AD CVO Former Governor of NSW, Professor of Psychiatry “A Journey of Love” | |
November | Professor Father Frank Brennan, ACU Canberra “My Journey for Justice: Amplifying that Still, Small Voice” |